OTEPIC Fundraising tour 2017
OTEPIC – JOIN THE REAL FOOD REVOLUTION Permakulturschule für Kenia und Ostafrika OTEPIC wurde 2008 als ein Selbsthilfeprojekt auf Gemeinschaftsbasis in Kitale, einer Stadt im Westen Kenias gegründet. Von Anfang
OTEPIC – JOIN THE REAL FOOD REVOLUTION Permakulturschule für Kenia und Ostafrika OTEPIC wurde 2008 als ein Selbsthilfeprojekt auf Gemeinschaftsbasis in Kitale, einer Stadt im Westen Kenias gegründet. Von Anfang
Read everything about our current work and community life! Read more here: http://mailchi.mp/1142408f6b42/newsletter-otepic
Our project is running without volunteers from abroad, but nevertheless all the people who visited us in the last years were like a part of our family and community! People
Dear Gabu and Philip, it is rainy season. We have to dig and plant! But instead of joining us to work on the fields, you spend your mornings in town.
Yes, Kevin, and what a day! Or better, what a week! What a week of planting! In Amani garden we can say that the planting is finished until the next
Since the rains started, we are busy digging beds, planting vegetable seeds and mudding the beds. This is a lot of work and it has to be done in all
We are happy and delighted about the birth of Milo Damien Otieno. The little boy and his mother, Tuchi, are both healthy and well. After going nearly a month over
OTEPIC Kenya project wishes to do more tree planting on the on start of this rainy season, a lot of trees will be planted, leguminous trees, fruit trees and more
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